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What is going on in Paragon? - summary of the ALV

Foto van schrijver: WSG ParagonWSG Paragon

Recently, WSG Paragon had the biyearly ALV, or general meeting, to discuss matters that concern all members of the association. As you might have noticed from the first sentence of this blog, it was decided that the official language of Paragon will be switched to English. This would allow international students to participate more easily and should make them feel more welcome within our association. This only applies for announcements and other information, so Dutch can still be used for discussions within the many Discord channels or WhatsApp groups, but please be thoughtful to internationals.

This brings us to the next point! As the power and greed of Facebook grows evermore, we understand that some people would like to avoid using WhatsApp. For that purpose, a Signal equivalent of our homely general WSG Paragon WhatsApp group has been made. Announcements and other general issues will be forwarded to this group. In addition, it can provide a nice place for game-related or other discussions with other members. For the moment, WhatsApp and Discord will remain our main channels for game-specific discussions, but should more people start to use Signal, more groups could be added.

Our treasurer (penningmeester) Juriaan provided a nice cash flow statement and an overview of our budget. Due to Covid, all events are currently online, and that is why we decided to remove the “online membership” option. In addition, to make things easier for members (and also for the treasurer), all payments for events that are below €15 will be handled in one go twice a year, during the collection of the membership fees. This means that from now on, you can expect far less payment requests, and two larger ones each year.

Also, this year has seen some investments in equipment owned by Paragon. For example, a Video Capture Card has already been put to use for streaming purposes such as our Smash tournaments. In the future, look forward to many more streams and videos provided by the Streamcie.

To discuss the latest developments of the committees of WSG Paragon, the Redacie and Fotocie were merged into the Promocie. This was done because their tasks overlapped and they often used the same material like photos taken from events. The Promocie will dedicate itself to taking pictures during the events and writing a post-event recap afterwards Other tasks include managing WSG Paragons’ social media accounts and promoting Paragon among the general public. Blogs will appear in the same place you are reading this, so come by every once in a while to read them!

The other committees are currently as followed: the Borrelcie organises Pubquizes and other social gatherings. The Axy organises practically all events within the association. The Streamcie, as the name suggests, streams and commentates at events and competitions and creates YouTube videos for Paragon. Finally, the Integracie consists of the board and other enthusiastic members and organises the yearly Paragon Weekend, during which new and old members can get to know each other! Does one of these committees sound fun and do you want to join any of them or just take a look? Don’t hesitate and contact one of the committee chairholders or our internus Bas.

Finally, the board would very much like to stimulate participation of our members in the competitive scene for whatever game they happen to be playing! We can happily report that Paragon is currently working together with TSEA Link (Tilburg Student E-sports Association Link) to organise an Apex Legends tournament, so hopefully we can update you about that soon! Also, our sister associations DSEA (Delft), TSEA and Erasmus E-sports (Rotterdam), will be organising regular TFT tournaments. Additionally, often DSEA and TSEA are organising Smash tournaments in addition to our own Paragon internal competition. On March 20th, DSEA organises a Smash crew battle and Paragon will send a delegation consisting of our strongest fighters to (hopefully) conquer the crown!

If you have any suggestions for competitions, please let the board know!

You’ve reached the end of this blogpost. These posts about the internal and external happenings within the association will be made available biweekly to increase transparency and allow for more feedback opportunities from members of the association.

Have a nice weekend and let’s hope for that sweet sweet weather again.

Elmar, secretary of WSG Paragon

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