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- zo 19 janB0107 Forum19 jan 2025, 13:00 – 17:30B0107 Forum, Droevendaalsesteeg 2, 6708 PB Wageningen, NederlandIt is once again time for the one, the only, super smash bros ultimate tournament! Let's go! Hopefully this time I'll be there and not sick!
- di 21 janForum, B021321 jan 2025, 19:00 – 22:30Forum, B0213, Droevendaalsesteeg 2, 6708 PB Wageningen, NederlandIt's time for your favorite event ever, the Biweekly Boardgame Night! Bring your own games and the axy will provide snacks and drinks for you to enjoy! There will also be plenty of games from Paragon itself! Don't forget to bring your own cups!
- wo 22 janTriavium Schaatsbaan22 jan 2025, 18:20 – 22:30Triavium Schaatsbaan, Van Rosenburgweg 2, 6537 TM Nijmegen, NederlandSecond time is the charm, ice skating time! We will go to Triavium in Nijmegen. The price is 7,50 with a student pass, otherwise 10,45. You can rent ice skates for 7.25. You can also bring your own ice skates. We will leave at Forum Bushalte at 18:18. The opening hours are from 20:00 until 22:30.
- do 23 janDiscord23 jan 2025, 20:00 – 23:00DiscordWe all know it, we all meme it and we all love it. If you love social deduction games with memes, chaos, and fun why don't you join us for a night of sussy-ness and laughter? Among us is free to play and easy to learn so don't worry about that!!
- di 04 febRoom is TBD04 feb 2025, 19:00 – 22:30Room is TBD, Droevendaalsesteeg 2, 6708 PB Wageningen, NederlandJoin us for a movie chill night with some snacks and drinks (provided by axy) to relax with friends during this stressful exam time. The movie is TBD.
- di 11 febWageningen11 feb 2025, 19:00 – 22:30Wageningen, Droevendaalsesteeg 2, 6708 PB Wageningen, NederlandYou read that correctly, the Wageningen Boardgamers and WSG Paragon have come together to make THE ultimate boardgame night! This is an open event so bring anybody who would love an event like this! Drinks and little snacks will be available! Its at Forum room B0213!
- ma 24 febForum (room TBD)24 feb 2025, 19:00 – 22:30Forum (room TBD), Droevendaalsesteeg 2, 6708 PB Wageningen, NederlandIt is once again time for a GMM, come join us! If you wish to submit a motion to be voted on at this meeting please submit it to by February 17th!
- vr 14 mrtPeppelenburg14 mrt 2025, 16:00 – 23:50Peppelenburg, Apeldoornseweg 186, 6731 SC Otterlo, NederlandA year has passed which means it's time for the Paragon Weekend!! Join us for a weekend full of fun games, good food and hanging out with your fellow members. The price of the weekend should be about 40 euros.
- wo 19 mrtTBD Forum somewhere19 mrt 2025, 19:00 – 23:00TBD Forum somewhereJoin us for a fun one-shot Made by our own D&D guild....... totally everyone had the opportunity of giving input
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