The tournament layout will be determined on the amount of teams participating. This will likely be a group phase followed by knock-out
Day 1 (29th of May) will start at 12:30 and finish at 17:00*.
Day 2 (30th of May) will start at 12:30 and finish at 17:00*.
*Keep in mind that due to longer games or other causes the ending time might differ.
The general rules and updates for the tournament can be found in the discord (the invite link will also be send after signing up for the event).
Any questions for can be asked there as well. The finale game will be streamed and casted on our twitch and through the weekend we will take some games at random to stream. Please make sure to have a good mic for communication!
We have a prize pool of €100!
The last Day of registration is 23rd of May! After this date, the teams will be created.
We cannot guarantee that if you sign up after the deadline a team will be available to you.
You may sign up with a team of maximum of two players. Both players have to register their rank and preferred primary and secondary role. Please note that your duo-partner needs to register individually.
All teams will be mixed to accompany an equal average rank for each team (most likely gold). Preferred roles will be considered, but it might not always be possible. Switching roles within the team is allowed but give a headsup to one of the referees via discord. This must be done before the weekend or at the end of day 1.
Negative attitude and grieving will not be tolerated during the tournament, not under any circumstances. Each team will have players that differ from eachother, both in terms of rank and playstyle. Please keep that in mind.
Complains can be send via discord to a referee. Negative attitude or grieving will result in the disqualification of the player. If this happens, the organizers of the tournament will do their very best to find a replacement player.
Our tournament will follow the normal game rules. This means that no 3rd party clients are allowed that could provide an unfair advantage. When unforeseen circumstances happen, the game can be paused, each team gets 15 minutes of pause time per game. Should the pause take longer than 15 minutes, please contact the referees to find a solution.
When finished with a game, the winning team should send a screenshot of the post-screen to one of the referees via discord.