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Smash Ultimate Tournament

zo 29 sep


B0103 Forum

Our super smash bros ultimate monthly tournament. Bring your own controller.

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Smash Ultimate Tournament
Smash Ultimate Tournament

Tijd en locatie

29 sep 2024, 13:00 – 17:30

B0103 Forum, Droevendaalsesteeg 2, 6708 PB Wageningen, Nederland

Over het evenement

Every month WSG Paragon hosts a smash bros tournament where you can compete to see who is the least bad smash player in the room at that day. It's generally a good mix of competition with some lower level more casual players so don't worry about how skilled you have to be. If you are willing to smash brothers (not sexual) you're good! There'll be snacks and a small prize for the winner!

It will be held in room B0103 at 13:00 on sunday September 29th. Bring your own controller (or make sure beforehand you can borrow someone else's).

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