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zo 18 sep


B0103 Forum

Paragon Smash Tournament

Are you the bro that super smashes? Prove yourself in this tournament, or just come to chill and play friendlies. All skill levels are welcome!

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Paragon Smash Tournament
Paragon Smash Tournament

Tijd en locatie

18 sep 2022, 13:30

B0103 Forum, Droevendaalsesteeg 2, 6708 PB Wageningen, Netherlands

Over het evenement

This is the first tournament of the new year! Some sets will be streamed, there may or may not be a prize and as it is the first month of the year it is free for everyone!

Bringing additional switches and screens is greatly appricated as we do not have a big budget for these things so we can't get rental switches.


  • Smash event

    € 0,00
    Verkoop geëindigd op


€ 0,00

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